I'm a self-taught web-developer from Ireland.
After using web apps as a teacher and digital marketer, I wanted to build my own.
Two years later, and I'm enjoying every moment of making sites and web apps that are both beautiful and useful. Currently, I'm improving my CSS Grid skills and learning React.js
Semantic HTML5 for accessibility and SEO
Responsive CSS3 with CSS Grid and Flexbox
Modern JavaScript (ES6+) for interactivity, fecthing data, and integrating with APIs
Sass for organized and flexible styles
Bootstrap 4 for rapid UI development
REST APIs with Node.js and Express
NPM for package management and scripting
MongoDB for scalable data storage
Mongoose for database querying
Git for version control and feature branching
Github for collaboration and open source controbutions
Linux command line using Ubuntu
A Yelp-style site for sharing reviews of historical sites.
A dashboard showing CO2 emissions per country, built in D3.js.
An interactive weather app using the OpenWeatherMap API.
An app that uses the Github API to fetch and display user profiles and repo information.
A calorie and meal tracking app.
A landing page for a fictional Dublin-based language school.
A page created to practise and explain the box model and CSS positioning.
A responsive form based off Material Design principles.
The site I built for my own wedding.
A tribute page to the greatest modern Irish-language author.